("Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." Eleanor Roosevelt. :))
Misao dana: glup boljemu zavidi, a pametan se na boljega ugleda.
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Milan Uskoković je doktor znanosti i ovlašteni projektant s preko 20 godina iskustva u projektiranju i izgradnji profesionalnih studijskih i razglasnih sustava. Radi na zagrebačkom Radiju 101 od 1987. godine, od čega posljednje 23 godine kao voditelj tehničke redakcije (više o projektu "Plava soba" ovdje). Općenito, dizajnom i implementacijom analogne audio elektronike bavi se akademski, profesionalno i/ili hobistički već 30 godina. Od uistinu brojnih projekata u kojima je sudjelovao kao glavni projektant i/ili izvođač radova, među najdražima su mu Mala dvorana Lisinski, zagrebačko kazalište Gavella i UN Radio. Milan Uskokovic has a doctor's degree in electrical engineering and over 20 years of experience as a licensed designer of professional broadcast and PA systems. He has been with Radio 101 from Zagreb, Croatia since 1987, of which the last 23 years in the position of its Chief Technical Officer (more about the Blue Room Studio project here). His overall academic, professional and/or DIY experience spans the last 30 years, with involvement in nearly all aspects of analog audio electronics design and implementation. Of all the numerous projects that he has worked on in the capacity of a chief designer and/or lead engineer, he takes special pride in his work on the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall (the Small Hall with some 300 seats), Gavella Theater and UN Radio. |
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CherrysPicks - web design dilettante and geek wannabe (with a master's degree in the field of philology :)) |